What The Self-Care Trend Means for Brands

Diane Von Furstenberg once said, “It is so important to take time for yourself and find clarity. The most important relationship is the one you have with yourself.”

 The importance of mental wellness and self-care has continued to increase in popularity, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, which led individuals to reevaluate personal values and look inward to self-reflect.

Self-care and self-love was previously based on “Insta-Worthy” experiences, such as a monthly subscription box, DIY spa night kits and “treating yourself” to a surprise after the end of a hard week. Although these practices can certainly achieve calmness, consumers have recently discovered that a mindful attitude is self-care in its truest form.

Similar to consumers, brands will find great success in taking time to reflect as well. “What are consumers missing?” “What do consumers need?” “How can we help?” These are just some of the leading questions to consider as mental health and wellness continue to prove its significance in the marketplace

CIIC PR is proud to work with clients who have proven to utilize these practices to positively impact their consumers' well-being. For instance, Hacienda Encantada Resort & Residences recently launched a new wellness feature onsite to help guests rid their bodies of toxins in the style of ancient Mayans The hotel’s new temazcal is a traditional ceremony that takes in a sweat lodge aiming to purify the mind, body and spirit. Using elements from music, herbs and steam, the temazcalero, or shaman, leads individuals through a ritual that inspires and transforms. 

At Wayam - Mundo Imperial, guests experience not only unique design but sustainability and comfort as well. In an effort to cater to the traveler's needs, the hotel offers a variety of wellness amenities, including a premium quality water menu labeled ‘Casa del Agua’ where guests can find a curated menu of Mexican filtered water brands delivered right to their room and selected based on their unique healing benefits. This is a simple, yet effective way to use local brands to tap into the ever-growing wellness niche. 

Similarly, Jovē alkaline water is another CIIC client that puts wellness at the forefront. The company, which launched during the start of the pandemic, has developed strong messaging to educate consumers on the multiple benefits of cellular hydration and the many symptoms that stem from dehydration, including fatigue, irritability, and poor sleep. In addition to educational content, Jovē launched the Hydration Truck Tour, along with a Hydration Day Media Event, Social Media Challenges, Influencer Partnerships, and giveaway contests to motivate consumers to hydrate more and with better water.

So what does this mean for brands? Brands can create genuine connections with consumers by catering to their well-being and providing solutions to their wellness needs. While maintaining authenticity to the overall brand message, developing a product or service that connects with new wellness trends proves to be a key advantage for brands. Examples of some common marketing and PR practices that have proven successful include:

  • Hotels offering a branded notebook for journaling in the morning

  • Positioning a destination as a “wellness hub” by providing health and mindfulness-based experiences

  • Developing a targeted menu towards those who may have dietary restrictions/food sensitivities

  • Implementing a “mocktail” menu for those who have eliminated alcohol from their lifestyle

  • Partnering with a non-profit organization in efforts to give back to the neighboring communities

Although brands spearhead the provided examples, the consumers who participate feel a sense of pride in knowing their actions give back towards a greater cause of self-care. Studies have shown this can be a stress reliever in itself. The desire to give back exists in everyone—it’s just a matter of how much you embrace it.