CIIC PR Graduate Intern: My Study Abroad Highlights

When I made the decision to further my education by getting a Master’s in Integrated Global Communication, I knew I wanted to find an internship that aligned with both my educational and career goals. I found CIIC PR at the perfect time and it has been the most rewarding opportunity for me professionally, as well as personally. In the past seven months of being a part of the CIIC team, I have learned more about the ins and outs of the communication industry than I ever imagined. The women employed by CIIC are extremely intelligent in their area of expertise – the knowledge I’ve learned from them immensely aided me during my study abroad program.

The study abroad program I participated in was a brand strategy experience class at Cattolica University. On the first day of the class, we were introduced to the client, Riviera International Film Festival or RIFF. The class was briefed on the client and then asked to create a communication and brand strategy plan for RIFF's social media during the summer months leading up to the festival. 

When I heard we were building a communication strategy, I felt a wave of confidence come over me. In one of my first weeks at CIIC, I got the opportunity to sit in a client meeting. My first client meeting ever. During this meeting, not only was it the first time I saw a communication strategy being presented to a client. It was the first time I saw how a real communication strategy should be presented. This first client meeting made a major impact on me. All the information that I took away from this helped me come up with ideas for my group’s communication strategy plan.

The class was a mixture of guest speakers, field trips, and exams. The guest speakers included teachers from the university, a strategist from a PR agency, and a social media manager. On the days guest speakers presented, it was more of a traditional lecture-style class where we took notes on brand definition, communication strategy, and personal branding on social media. The field trips were to two art museums. One visit was with actors who have been to RIFF, and a PR agency (which was my favorite trip)! 

Visiting the PR agency in Milan was by far one of the more rewarding field trips, solely because I was able to see firsthand the similarities between CIIC and an international PR agency. It gave me reassurance that the work I have been doing for my internship has set the foundation for me to become successful in the international Public Relations field. A few of the main similarities that stood out to me was the research conducted for clients, communication with media outlets and monitoring of media coverage.

Due to my educational background in PR and communication, I felt prepared for my study abroad experience. However, I felt more confident in my skills and ability to excel in the program because of my time learning from intelligent women at CIIC and the valuable insights I have gained from them.

All the best,

Adriana Daves Major: Public Relations Master: Integrated Global Communication (Dec. 2022)